Mind Peace Breathwork

David Reed
10 Whistler Drv
Oakden 5000
0434 878 712
All of Adelaide. Regular visits to the Riverland.

Let your Breath give you new life! The Breath releases up to 75% of toxins from the body – including emotional toxins. By learning how to use the Breath more effectively can bring about a healthier and more emotionally balancedYOU!

How does Breathwork work?

The Breath has been used for thousands of years in various forms to help with the physical and mental wellbeing of millions of people all over the world. Yoga and meditation are probably the most well-known forms of using the Breath to ease stress in the mind and body.

Breathwork can help you access and recall the past so that you can heal what needs to be healed.

The Breath is the key to accessing the long-held memories stored in the body and the subconscious, as well as releasing stress and oxygenating the body. Using the continuous connected breath technique, in consultation with a trained Breathwork practitioner, provides the opportunity for these long-held memories to surface, be seen, and then discussed and processed with new clarity.

How can the Breath be so powerful?

The latest findings from world-leading Doctorate work being done at University of Adelaide and University of Queensland is finally proving what has been known by Breathworkers for decades. It works!

Research in Queensland by Lloyd Lalande is proving the amazing affect Breathwork is having on those suffering from Depression and Anxiety just by breathing this technique!

The thesis released by Dr. Elise Carr in Adelaide in 2014 has shown how this technique can and does - change peoples lives for the better through better understanding of the Self by recognising the events, beliefs and patterns from the past that have restricted personal growth.

Only by recognising the problems can you work on the solutions .


One-on-one Breathwork Sessions are usually approx. 2 hours in duration, with the initial session being 3 hours. The initial session includes additional time for David to get to know more about you and your history, as well as teaching you the breathing technique.

Each session will be a different experience for you, however, a typical session will usually follow a consistent flow:

What brings you here today? - A time for sharing/discussion for
yourself with David.
The Breathing process this is usually approx. 60 mins
Debrief this allows you to reflect on your session experience, ask questions and to understand how that relates to your present.

Every session is different as Breathwork is an organic, self generated process. You may have a physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual experience during your session (usually a combination of a few of these).
The process can bring about changes in a number of areas including:

The physical body

      aches, pains, contraction, illnesses can be released and/or awareness bought to their existence

The emotional body

      deep feelings, which drain the body of energy when suppressed/repressed, can come to the surface to be cleared and their cause resolved, bringing a feeling of emotional lightness

The mental body

      beliefs, decisions and conditioning (conscious and unconscious) can be reprogrammed to get rid of past falsehoods, allowing you to live more fully in the present

The spiritual body

    deep connection/reconnection can be made with the Self, soul and universal energy.

By the end of each Session, you may have experienced anything from just a great relaxation, to finding a life-changing issue! You just never know where each session will take you!

Sessions are currently charged at $160.00 per 2-3 hour session.
Cash only. Receipts provided.

Call David today to for more information.

Contact Details

Email: mindpeace@adam.com.au
Phone: 0434 878712

Cert.IV in Health - Breathwork
Member of Australian Academy of Breathwork

David continues his education and knowledge through the Australian Academy of Breathwork. He regularly attends Symposiums, Conferences and Workshops where Breathwork researchers and other leading Breathworkers from Australia, the UK and the USA join to bring the latest knowledge and research together so that it can be passed on and used with his clients.

David has assisted in the training of many Breathwork students with Bronwyn Barter and Breathwork Training Australia, and is in an active member of the Australian Academy of Breathwork.

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